malayalam crime thriller bougainvilleaStarring Fahadh Faasil and Jyotirmoyee, is now available for streaming in Telugu. Directed by Amal Neerad, the film revolves around the investigation of the mysterious disappearance of tourists in Kerala, which is intricately linked to a family’s secrets. Fahadh Faasil It features an ACP leading the case, while Jyotirmoyee returns to the big screen after a gap of 11 years.
bougainvillea It received mixed reviews during its theatrical run but emerged as a decent success. The team is now optimistic about the reception of the film on the OTT platform. starting today, bougainvillea Streaming in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi on Sony Liv.
Fahadh Faasil, who has recently given a blockbuster film Pushpa 2Crossing the remarkable milestone of ₹1000 crore, is at the pinnacle of its global box office success. This streaming release is good news for the star and his fans.